Monday, October 7, 2013

The Little Known Reasons Why Dairy Doesn't Do a Body Good

Homemade Almond Milk (pictured above) is a great alternative to cow's milk... rich in calcium and other alkaline minerals!

Though celebrities like Venus Williams have promoted dairy products through the well-known, "Got Milk?" campaign, many don't actually eat them.  Williams, for example, adopted a raw vegan (dairy-free) diet to reduce inflammation and improve her health after being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder.  Others in the public eye- such as Bill Clinton, Alicia Silverstone, Mike Tyson, Woody Harrelson, and Ellen Degeneres have also adopted dairy-free, vegan diets for health reasons.  The results of going "dairy-free" are apparent to those who adopt such a diet and experience its benefits first-hand, but the reasons why dropping dairy is so beneficial is not well known. 

To be clear, the type of dairy I'm referring to is cow's milk dairy that is has gone through modern processing (pasteurization or homogeonization) and is from cows fed grain (rather than grass), which are also typically milked year-round.  Did you know that even calves cannot survive drinking pasteurized milk?   

Most people realize that cow's milk is high in fat and cholesterol and eschew it for that reason.  However, the milk products that most believe to be healthier for them- the "fat free" or "skim" versions of the same products- are just as detrimental and can even be moreso.  The reason for this is that casein, the protein found in milk, is damaged during the pasteurization process and in its damaged form causes an inflammatory, mucus-producing effect on the body.  Casein is more concentrated in low-fat products of any kind because reducing milk's fat content concentrates milk's protein content.  Thus, its propensity to create digestive issues and exacerbate pain conditions, such as arthritis, is exaggerated when taken in those forms. 

The following are reasons why modern dairy products undermine health...

  • The phosphorous in cow's milk inhibits calcium from being absorbed and utilized.
  • Cow's milk contains much more phosphorous than calcium.  Therefore, the body is forced to take calcium from the bones in order to achieve the proper calcium/phosphorous ratio.  Pasteurization alters the bonds that hold the minerals together and prevents the calcium from being usable by the body.  
  • Because of the abundance of phosphorous, protein, and chlorides, pasteurized cow's milk is acid-forming and the body must use its own reserve of sodium, potassium, and calcium, from an already depleted supply in order to handle the excess acids.
  • Pasteurization depletes enzymes, vitamins, and biophotons.  Not only is this milk not giving us those vital nutrients, but it leaches energy from our bodies in the attempt to digest it.  
  • At least 50% of the American people tested for allergies reacted to dairy products, mainly because they lacked the lactase enzyme.  
  • Pasteurized milk has a clogging effect on the lymphatic system, creating stagnation that prevent weight loss and encourage the growth of cancer and other diseases.  
  • Pasteurized/homogeonized milk consumption is linked with insulin resistance, and it has  been linked with both type I and type II diabetes. 
Cleanse & Purify Thyself by Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D. 

ABC News,

There is a Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens, M.D. 


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