Friday, September 21, 2012

Natural Solutions for Seasonal Allergies

Natural solutions for seasonal allergies work on the causes of seasonal allergies in order to reduce symptoms.   What causes allergies?  In people without allergies, inhaled pollen and dust are trapped by the mucosal lining of the respiratory tract and either expelled forcefully through the mouth or nostrils, or broken down internally. In people with seasonal allergies, the protective ability of this mucosal barrier is compromised, and the body compensates by increasing the production of mucus to facilitate expulsion of the allergen. This reaction is followed by other common symptoms associated with allergies and can make even breathing difficult.

Here are a few tips and tools you can use to help eliminate allergy symptoms naturally:

1.  Eat very light foods such as hot, clear, soup made with fresh ginger and steamed rice.  Avoid anything cold, including fruit.  This helps your digestive system to begin to eliminate toxins and allergens more efficiently. 

2.  To build healthy epithelial and mucousal linings throughout your body, ingest quality oils on a daily basis.  Unrefined coconut, sesame, and olive oil are good choices.  (Externally, warm coconut or sesame ois should be massaged over the body before showering to aid detoxification through the skin.)

3.  Use an Omega-3 fatty acid supplement like flax, chia, or fish oil to modulate your immune system and reduce general inflammation associated with allergies. 

4.   Take a teaspoon of local raw honey mixed with bee pollen a couple of times a day starting a few months prior to allergy season.  

5.  Drink ginger tea with raw honey added.  This home made tonic works to break up chest congestion and loosen phlegm. It strengthens the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine.

6.  Drink green tea.  It blocks the production of histamine and is one of the best immune boosters known.

7.  Drink peppermint tea.  It is known to relieve nasal and sinus congestion. Drinking it cold can help sooth coughing associated with hay fever and allergies.

8.  Reduce or eliminate pasteurized/homogeonized commercial dairy products, refined sugar, white flour, and excessive amounts of meat from your diet as diets rich in these foods are associated with the development of allergies.  Diets high in fruits and vegetables and relatively lower in animal products are associated with a much lower incidence of allergies and increased immunity. 


"Still looking for a cure to allergies? Ayurveda offers an alternative solution," by Jessica Vellela:

"The benefits of raw honey," by Luella May:

"The best homemade remedies to treat hay fever and seasonal allergies," by JB Bardot:

Practical Tips for Avoiding Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically modified foods are not labeled and have made their way into produce departments and grocery shelves in the form of thousands of processed food items.  However, multiple scientific studies have demonstrated that genetically modified foods benefit corporations yet are of great detriment to consumers. 

According to results from a 10-year long feeding study on rats, mice, pigs and salmon, genetically engineered feed causes obesity, along with significant changes in the digestive system and major organs, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas, genitals and more.  In other multiple generational animal studies, genetically modified foods resulted in fewer, smaller offspring and sterility by the third generation.  Rodents fed genetically modified corn and soy showed immune system responses and signs of toxicity.  In addition, the stomach lining of rats fed genetically modified potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition that may lead to cancer.  It is also unknown whether the antibiotic gene inserted into most GM crops can transfer, which could also lead to the proliferation of diseases resistant to antibiotics. 

Increased allergies are another health concern associated with genetic modification.  For example, cooked genetically modified soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen.  And, soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK soon after GM soy was introduced.

One way to avoid genetically modified foods is to buy organic.  Organic foods are by definition  not genetically modified. 

To avoid genetically modified foods, avoid the following conventionally grown foods:

1. Corn

2. Soy (found in tofu, vegetarian products, soybean oil, soy flour, and numerous other products)

3. Sugar 

4. Aspartame (technically a food additive, this sweetener has numerous side effects and is created using genetically modified bacteria)

5.  Hawaiian Papayas

6.  Canola oil

7.  Cotton

8.  Commercial Dairy (which contains growth hormones)

9 & 10.  Zucchini and Yellow Squash (both of which are genetically modified to resist viruses)


"Decade-Long Feeding Study Reveals Significant Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods," by Dr. Mercola available from

"Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid," by Elizabeth Renter available from

"Genetically Modified Foods:  Are They Safe?" Institute for Responsible Technology, available from