Angelic Reiki Healing

What is Angelic Reiki?

It is the absolute joy of working hand in hand with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to bring one of the highest forms of healing to individuals, groups and the planet. Angels are beings who exist outside the different dimensions as we know them.  Through their guidance, and the healing art of Angelic Reiki, we can positively influence the creative energy systems of any individual or group, according to Divine Will. This could be on a physical, emotional or mental level.  At this momentous time in the history of Humanity and the Earth, issues are surfacing to be cleared that have their roots deep in the past. We carry the imprints of these at cellular level and they are often worked out through many incarnations, on this and on other planets. These issues are available to be cleared now, through the ability of the Angels to transcend time and space as we know it.   

What are the benefits of an Angelic Reiki Healing Session?

  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Rejuvenation
  • Pain Reduction or Resolution
  • Acceleration of Natural Healing Processes in the Body/Mind
  • A Calm, Centered Mind
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Enhanced Creativity
  • Increased Mental Clarity
  • Emotional Healing and Balance
  • Increased Self Awareness
  • Lightness of Heart
  • Release of Held Negative Emotions/Traumas (from this life or prior life experiences)
  • Release of Ancestral Stress Traumas/Patterns and Cellular Memories 
  • Enhancement of One's Ability to Forgive and Release
  • Easy Release of Negative Belief Systems and Thought Patterns
  • A Sense of Oneness with All Life
  • Spiritual Aliveness or Connection
We are living in an age of reconnection... of remembering one's own Divine nature as a perfect, whole, and complete aspect of the Creator, God, or Yaweh... depending on the terminology you prefer to use!   During each Angelic Reiki session, a bridge is created between you and your Divine Essence (also termed the Higher Self or Soul)- along with a multitude of healing energies from higher light beings and the Cosmos.  This process floods your body and consciousness with light, which naturally results in upgraded physical, emotional, and spiritual health.  It also assists you to connect with a path of internal and external inspiration, synchronicity, and natural magic.
What is a Session like?

An in-person session takes place while you are comfortably relaxed, fully clothed, on a massage table.  During the session, I place my hands lightly on or above your body to direct the energy flow and hold space for Angelic and other Light Being energies to come forward to assist with the healing process.  

A distance healing session takes place while you are relaxed comfortably in your home.  After you have set an intention for your session either via the phone or e-mail ahead of time, the healing itself can be scheduled at your convenience.  

Each person experiences Angelic Reiki uniquely!  And, each session is unique as well!  However, some common experiences reported include:  feeling deeply relaxed and a deep sense of peace; drifting in and out of a rejuvenating state of slumber; feeling and sensing the loving presence of Angels, Ascended Masters, or other Light Beings; seeing beautiful colors in one's mind's eye; receiving spiritual guidance; feeling warmth and energy flow throughout the body- or simply feeling a lightness of being during the healing or after the session is complete. 

Appointments are approximately one hour in length. 

Distance Angelic Reiki Healing Session:
(In-person sessions are unavailable at this time) 


To schedule an appointment, contact Bridget:

By phone:  262-949-0288 
By e-mail:

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