Thursday, April 18, 2013

Six "Rawmazing" Juices & Their Uses

picture from:
1.  Carrot Juice:  Carrot makes a great juice base, with its sweet and neutral flavor.  Carrot juice is a potent liver detoxifier, and its beta carotene content keeps your skin clear and healthy.  It boosts the function of the liver, kidneys, and digestive system.  And, it is a remedy for fluid retention, bloating, digestive sluggishness, and the general feeling of fatigue that follows a period of unhealthy eating. 

2.  Cucumber Juice:  Cucumber is another great juice base as it has a smooth, refreshing taste that pairs well with many other fruits and vegetables.  Cucumber juice is a superb source of silica, which improves your complexion and contributes to the health of connective tissue throughout your whole body. 

3.  Spinach Juice:  A few ounces of spinach in a glass of juice adds a ton of healing nutrition!  Spinach contains several nutrients linked to weight loss, including calcium and iron.  It also gives you an instant energy boost due to its high content of chlorophyll. 

4.  Apple Juice:  Apple juice improves intestinal, cardiovascular, liver, and kidney health.  It is beneficial for people suffering from rheumatism or arthritis.  If that weren't amazing enough, apple juice also lowers your risk of asthma, dementia, and cancer.

5.  Lemon Juice: 
This juice detoxifies the liver and boosts its function.  Further, lemon juice improves the efficiency of the digestive system, which prevents weight gain that occurs as a result of poor digestion.

6.  Beet Juice:
  Beets are rich in biotin, a water-soluble B-vitamin that plays a key part in metabolizing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.  Beet juice cleanses the intestines and liver.  Beets, including the tops, are full of iron and have traditionally been used to naturally boost energy, as well as to relieve anemia-related fatigue.

The following juice is delicious and incorporates all six of the aforementioned rawmazing juices!


12 carrots
3 cucumbers (or 2 large)
3 apples
2 lemons
4 handfuls of spinach
1 small beet

Juice in a fruit and vegetable juicer and drink first thing in the morning.  (Allow 20 minutes between finishing your juice and eating breakfast or lunch.) 

Interested in juicing but lacking a juicer?  Good juicer brands to consider include

Hurom, Omega, Jack Lallane, and Juiceman

Owen, Sarah.  The Top 100 Juices.

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